Anbar Olympic Stadium
Anbar Olympic Stadium, capacity of 30,000 spectators
- The project is located in Anbar Governorate / Al-Ramadi / Seven Kilo area
- It is being implemented by the Right Path Company in partnership with the Turkish company (DKA) on an area estimated at more than (90 dunums), the project is still under construction.

Project contents:
- The main stadium with a capacity of (30,000) spectators.
- A training field with a capacity of (2000) spectators, including an athletics field.
- A training ground with a capacity of (500) spectators.
- A four-star hotel with a capacity of 75 rooms.
Project Description:
The project is in line with the requirements of FIFA and other international federations and includes the latest modifications and developments. It is of a very modern style and contains the latest technologies and all specialties.
Whereas, the main stadium consists of four floors from the side of the main cabin and three floors from the opposite side, and under the stands there are the required rooms and halls for players, referees, medical examinations, television interviews, conferences, athletics and civil defense rooms with all health services for each floor in addition to parks and green spaces.